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1 Lidane  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 8:24:27am

What kind of pinko commie needs clean air or clean water?


2 Bulworth  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 8:38:41am

Well, I'm sure the private sector will be careful to preserve our streams and rivers, our air quality, and our trees. //

3 Bulworth  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 8:41:01am

On a more serious note, I'm afraid environmental protection is likely to be one among many casualties in a crappy economy. Not that teabags need the excuse of a lousy economy to eviscerate labor, consumer and environmental protections.

4 shutdown  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 9:21:57am

"light's out, nobody's home" is the slogan of the 2012 GOP election effort.

5 bratwurst  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 10:00:58am

That notorious liberal Richard Nixon (father of the EPA) is rolling over in his grave.

6 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 10:14:39am

modern "Libertarians" are really not so in the classical sense. The Republican vision of "Libertariansm" seeks to benefit the richest and most powerful at the expense of the little guy whenever possible. Take for instance the EPA and environmental concerns. Under Classical Libertarianism (a Utopian pipe dream not unlike Communism BTW) a person affected by a nearby chemical plant would be able to seek immediate damages and stop the corporation from further violent attacks to his health. However, modern "Libertarians" have made it quite clear that the priority is not a two way street enabling the Utopia to appear, but a promise to extract as many resources out of the ground and reward corporate production (and especially its executive management) above any other concern. This means a future which makes the travesties of pre-EPA environmental disasters look like child's play.

7 nines09  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 10:22:19am

Oh Boy! We can go back to unswimmable lakes, streams and rivers! Even better is the colors and smells they will have! Then we can breathe air that smells just like a new car, only with a bit more bite! Then we can have the 4 remaining slaughter houses kill and drag whatever through whatever for the true burger treat! Then we can all load up on non water soluble pesticides and herbicides in our salads and veggies! AND it will be easier to catch fish that float on top of the water because they cannot breathe! We can drill and dig and mine anywhere we wish and not concern ourselves with cleanup or abatement! Animals LOVE pipelines and sinkholes and frack acid water! Then as the skys darken we can all Pray to Jesus how thankful we are that some caring God Fearing Real American Job Making Dominionist has our Nation on the path to Prosperity and Theocracy! Oh what a day!
Now excuse me, as I must seek professional care.

8 celticdragon  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 12:12:30pm

I can't wait to have a areplay of Love Canal and streams that catch on fire from time to time.

9 Joanne  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 12:14:51pm

Acid rain! WOOT! I really missed that!

10 HappyWarrior  Wed, Aug 17, 2011 5:06:01pm

We don't need no stinking clean water or air. And yeah Nixon's flipping in his grave.

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